Nearly Half of BHS Class of 2022 Graduates with College Credit

2022 Batesville High School Commencement
June 1, 2022

Thanks to a dual credit/dual enrollment partnership between Ivy Tech and the Batesville Community School Corporation, nearly one-half of the graduates in the BHS Class of 2022 earned some type of college credential with no tuition cost to families. In addition, every graduating student who attended Batesville High School all four years earned a minimum of three college credits.

Twenty students earned enough college credit to obtain an associate’s degree before graduating from high school, while others had taken enough classes to offset at least one year of college or to gain certification in a field. While enrolled in Ivy Tech classes during high school, the only cost to the students is for books. For those in technical programs, the out-of-pocket cost of obtaining certification at the conclusion of the program is covered by a grant from the Batesville Community Education Foundation.

Based on the average cost of college tuition at state schools per credit hour and corresponding room and board that would have been paid, this translates into a total of over $1,000,000 saved in college cost by BCSC families this year alone.

Students from the Class of 2022 are pursuing a variety of career options, with three serving the country in the military and more than 100 pursuing a 2-year or 4-year degree after graduation. Thirty seniors attained the level of scholar-athlete (3.5 GPA or higher through all four years), and 15 seniors met the four-year Kiwanis Scholastic Award requirement of a GPA of 3.8185 for every semester of high school.