Jackie Huber
Director of Student Learning
Throughout the Batesville Community School Corporation, students are provided with differentiated instruction and opportunities for acceleration. These opportunities are not restricted to students who are formally identified as high ability. Individual teachers, building principals and counselors work to develop the most appropriate educational experience possible for each student at BCSC.
The Indiana Code defines a student with high abilities as one whom:
- performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and
- is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests (IC 20-36-1-3).
K-8 High Ability Program Overview
Using data from standardized tests, students in grades K-8 are identified for accelerated math, accelerated language arts/reading, or accelerated general intellectual (both) classes.
Current students are identified as accelerated general intellect and are grouped in one classroom where they receive accelerated and more complex curriculum and instruction in math and language arts.
In grades 3-8, students are identified and placed by subject areas (Math and/or Language Arts). Batesville Intermediate School and Batesville Middle School offer accelerated math classes and accelerated language arts/reading classes at each grade level. Students can be placed in accelerated math only or accelerated language arts/reading only or they may qualify for both accelerated math and accelerated language arts/reading.
9-12 High Ability Program Overview
At Batesville High School, we work diligently to provide a rigorous academic curriculum designed to prepare students for advanced course work at the secondary and post-secondary level. Honor Classes, Dual Credit, Advanced Placement Classes, Early Graduation, and Mentorship Programs all allow students to receive instruction and the appropriate curriculum for their academic needs. Students may also take the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Tests for the opportunity to receive college credit. Offering opportunities to test out of general courses is in the planning stages.
Exiting Procedures
The purpose of this procedure is to try to help a struggling high ability student to be successful in the high ability programming that is offered. As a last resort, this high ability program can be removed or revised if the student is not able to be successful.
A parent, guardian, student, or teacher can initiate the request for consideration of exiting a student from high ability programming. The following guidelines should be used prior to Exit.
Exit Petition
- Parent, teacher or student will fill out the High Ability Exit Request Form (available above).
- Form will be completed and returned to the High Ability Coordinator, Kindra Moore.
Preliminary Conference
- Preliminary Conference will be held between coordinator, building level administrator or counselor, parents, student (when appropriate) and teacher.
- Coordinator will schedule conference within one week of receiving Exit petition. This conference may be a telephone conference.
- All concerns/issues will be discussed. Solutions and potential strategies proposed.
- Intervention plan will be written implementing proposed solutions strategies and solutions for a period no less than nine weeks.
Post Conference
- A post conference will be held at week nine.
- Results of intervention strategies will be discussed.
- Parents, teacher and coordinator will determine if a change in placement is needed.
- Student will either exit or stay in current placement.
- If an exit is deemed appropriate, the parent will sign permission to remove the student from high ability placement and services.