Study Tips for BMS Parents
- A rule of thumb for home study time is 10 minutes per grade level. For example, your student should be spending approximately 70 minutes per day as a seventh grader.
2. Use a planning calendar. A laminated wall calendar that can be marked on and erased is excellent. I suggest a 60-Day Planner so the student can see what is due over a good amount of time. Encourage and help your child by writing long-term projects on the calendar so he/she can see what he/she needs to do over the period of time allotted for the project.
3. Help your child prepare to study by prioritizing his/her nightly assignments. Have him/her determine what is most important. Perhaps doing first what he/she likes the least will make study time more effective. Also, MOST homework counts for a grade at BMS so make sure your student is completing their daily assignments.
4. Set a time frame for studying. You may have to have some trial and error in determining the best schedule. Some children need to get outside and away from the books right after school. Those students may do best to study after dinner. There are also those who do best getting busy immediately after they get home. Some may need to study a bit before dinner and again after the evening meal. The plan must fit the student and family. Most children will need to take short breaks frequently.
5. Encourage your child to review the material right after class when it’s still fresh in their memory and to NOT do all of their studying the night before a test. Space out studying – your child will learn and retain more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute.
6. There should be a place where the student can study where it is quiet and the materials he or she needs are available. Lighting should be good. The TV and phone should be off limits during study periods.
7. Have the student pack his/her backpack before going to bed. This makes mornings smoother helping everyone to get off to a good start. Make him/her show you the packed backpack; don’t take his/her word for it until he/she has earned your trust.
8. Spot check your child’s homework; don’t do it.
9. Check the agenda nightly and initial it. That way, you won’t miss notes from teachers and will be informed on what work is due.
10. Your student should organize his/her notebooks on a regular basis. Recopying notes is a very helpful learning tool. Notebooks are collected about every nine weeks. Checking the notebooks regularly helps your child learn that you value organization.
11. Help your child to set goals. Recognize and reward improvement. Hold the student accountable for keeping up with the goals that he or she has set for himself or herself.
12. Aid your child in becoming responsible. Don’t allow him/her to get in the habit of calling home for things they have forgotten. Being accountable is an important skill to teach.
13. Set an example for your child by reading, showing a plan for your activities, and setting your own goals (Use your own wall calendar!).
14. Log onto Power School, Canvas, and the BMS website so that you know what is going on in your child’s educational life.
15. If your student has a difficult time remembering what to bring home each evening, encourage them to drop the necessary books, binders, notebooks, etc, that are needed for homework in their backpack immediately after each class. Remembering what you need to take home for homework is much easier right after class is over. Waiting until the end of the day, when they are rushed, is not wise. Students tend to forget the items necessary for the evening homework when they are rushing off to catch a bus or a ride.
16. If your child decides to study in a group, make sure they only study with others who are serious about the test or quiz.
School-Based and Outside Counseling
- Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) Batesville, Indiana – (812) 934-4210
- Offers both School-Based Counseling Services and Outside Counseling Services
- For more information about our School Based Program at BIS, please contact the school counselor
- Ireland Home Based Services, Versailles, Indiana – (812) 479-1856
- Batta Counseling Services, Greensburg, Indiana – (812) 222-2626
- Kendra L. Martin, MSSW, LCSW, LLC, Greensburg, Indiana – (812) 510-3350
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Margaret Mary Health
Other Community Resources
- Safe Passage Domestic Violence Shelter Helpline – (877) 733-1990
- Batesville Area Ministerial Association Food Pantry – (812) 932-2622
- So Loved Clothing Closet – Jamie (812) 212-5039, Kayla (812) 593-9840
- Batesville Area Resource Center – (812)-932-2272
- Batesville Area Food Pantry – (812)-932-2622 / Wednesdays from 12:00-4:00 at the
- Batesville Area Resource Center
- Choices Coordinated Care Solutions – (317)-726-2121
Areas with Free Internet
- Amack’s Well
- Batesville Memorial Public Library
- Liberty Park Pavilion
- Connect Safely (Surfing the Internet Safely)
- Health Help Guide – Mental and Emotional Health: Abuse, Addictions, ADHD/ADD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grief, Loss, Stress, and Trauma)
- Kids Health
- Learn More Indiana (Academic, College, and Career)
- Net Lingo (Internet Dictionary)
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- On Guard Online (Internet Safety Information)
- Parent Success (Parenting Tips)
- PBS Parents
- Reference Desk (Homework Help)
- Rose-Hulman Homework Hotline (1-800-ASK-ROSE)
- Stay Safe Online
- Teens Health
- Test Taking Tips (Study Skills)
- 21st Century Scholars