Special Considerations for our Younger Students Who Ride the Bus
Batesville Community School Corporation provides bus transportation for all students who qualify. In order to maintain the safest possible atmosphere for each child, the driver shall maintain discipline among the children. The front 3-5 rows will be designated seating for Batesville Primary School children. If you want your younger child to sit with an older sibling, then the older child must also sit in this front section. Please notify the bus driver of your need. Hopefully, this will give the younger students adequate space closer to the bus driver.
Please encourage your child to behave safely and courteously on the bus so that everyone can have a pleasant trip to and from home. The bus drivers will give each child a set of expectations at the beginning of the school year. Please review these bus rules with your child. The school buses are equipped with audio/video monitoring devices. The purpose of such tapes is the pursuit of safety, security and discipline on the buses.
A note from parents must be given to the teacher and the bus driver before your child will be allowed to change buses or bus stops. If a parent is picking up a child who normally rides a bus, please send a note to the teacher. Otherwise, we’ll put the child on the bus to go home in the usual manner. Young children will often forget directions or get confused, so a note ensures safe delivery of your child to his/her destination. Sometimes the decision to pick up a child occurs just moments before dismissal time. Please check in at the office and the receptionist will contact the classroom; DO NOT go to the classroom without permission from the office. If the students have already “headed” for the buses, the receptionist will page the student to the office for pick-up. Bus supervisors are instructed not to allow a child to leave a bus line to go with any adult. Please check in at the office to have students leave a bus line for parent pick-up.
Breakfast will still be available for any child who arrives on a late bus. We will provide milk and breakfast items that can be taken to the classroom to be eaten. In this way, students will lose little instructional time and still have breakfast.
If there is a problem dealing with bus transportation, please contact these people in the following order:
- Your child’s bus driver
- Suzanne Kunkel, Associate Principal
skunkel@batesville.k12.in.us or 812-934-4509 - Greg Ehrman, Director of Transportation
gehrman@batesville.k12.in.us or 812-934-2194