Back to School

The 2024-2025 school year is quickly approaching. The first day for first and second grade students will be on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The first day for preschool and kindergarten students will be on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. We do have rolling starts this year. Therefore, first grade and second grade students will not report to school on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. All students report to school on Thursday, August 8, 2024.

The information listed below will provide each of you with a list of items to start planning for the beginning of the school year. Online registration will open on Friday, July 12, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year. All families, including preschool and kindergarten, will need to complete online summer registration through PowerSchool to sign-off on school policies, update demographics, and inform us of transportation plans. Information is enclosed regarding online registration.

Supply Lists

Lists were distributed during the previous school year. If you need a new list, you can find the supply lists at local stores.

BPS School Supply List File updated: February 3, 2025

Open House Events

Open House Event – Preschool and Kindergarten

Our preschool and Kindergarten teachers are going to do something different this year with open house. Each teacher will send out sign-up forms for Monday, August 5, 2024. They will have small group stations for families during selected times. Teachers would like for families to bring their child’s school supplies to open house. You may park in our front lot or in our side parking lot. Please enter our main entrance upon arrival.

Open House Event – First and Second Grade

Our First and Second Grade Open House will occur after the school year begins. Our teachers would like to get to know students individually before having open house. That way, our teachers can have more specific conversations with families. Teachers will share a welcome message before the first day of school. Students are welcome to bring supplies for the school year over the course of the first week of school. Not all supplies are needed on day 1, so please spread it out so it is easier for you and your child. You may park in our front lot or in our side parking lot. Please enter our main entrance upon arrival.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

  • First Grade Open House (5:30-6:30)
  • Second Grade Open House (5:30-6:30)

We are going to have two evenings when we will open up our school. During these evenings, you will be able to walk around the interior of the school to find classrooms, practice drop-off and see the building. The only staff members who will be present during these events will be Mrs. Kunkel, Assistant Principal and I. Classrooms will not be open and teachers will not be present. Our building will be open on Thursday, July 25 and Tuesday, July 30 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Student Transportation

All Students

All families are required to complete the transportation forms online in order to finalize registration for the 2024-2025 school year. Accurate transportation information is crucial starting the first day of school. Please make sure that transportation plans are accurate including the appropriate bus number.

Car Riders – Car Rider Ticket Verification System

Any family who will utilize car rider pick-up at any time through the year will need a car rider verification ticket. This goes into effect on the first day of school and all days after. Families without a car rider ticket will be required to park and enter BPS to sign-out their student(s) throughout the school year. We have provided two copies in this packet. If you plan to pick up your student(s) on the first day of school, please display this on your dashboard. You may store the ticket out of sight in your vehicle when not on school property, but please make sure it is visible to staff when picking up your student(s) in the front of BPS at dismissal. If at any time you need more copies throughout the school year, please come to the BPS office.

Breakfast and Lunch Program / Free and Reduced Lunch

We have a breakfast program for all the children from 7:35 – 8:00 a.m. daily. The State of Indiana will again assist families, who qualify, in paying for school meals. If your child qualifies for free or reduced school lunches, then he or she will also qualify for free or reduced breakfasts. In order to qualify, a family must meet the specific requirements, so please fill out a free and reduced lunch application online.


Indiana law requires that all children be immunized before enrollment in a public school. Please make sure that your student’s immunizations are up-to-date and that this information is filed with the school office. If you have updates, please bring your student’s current immunization card to school to be copied. Check with your doctor or health clinic immediately if your student does not have his/ or her full set of immunizations completed. Please give those dates to the school office, as well.

We are looking forward to a great school year with you and your student!

Brad Stoneking