BMS: 8th Graders Learn about Real-World Finances and Careers

மே 3, 2024

For the first time, Batesville Middle School hosted its Bulldog Ready Summit in May 2024. The initiative was to allow all 8th-grade students to engage with the community to learn more about real-life experiences through a session known as Reality Check. In the morning, before coming to the event, all 8th graders went through onboarding lessons to review balancing checkbooks, the cost of cars and homes, and pointers on engaging in conversation with the volunteers. The students were then transported to the event and were told they were 27-year-olds. The students chose a career and found out their salary, how many children they had/didn’t have, and selected their house and cars, as well as learned about all the additional expenses that come with life. We had 26 different tables featuring activities for the students to engage with, such as paying for electricity, adopting a pet, purchasing a gym membership, முதலியன.

After the Reality Check in the morning, our students had lunch at BHS to allow them to understand how lunchtime works at BHS. Each year, our 8th-grade students always comment that they are most worried about finding their classes, as well as figuring out how lunch works. We have been striving to make the transition seamless for our students from BMS to BHS. Later in the afternoon, the students heard from all of the volunteers and learned more about their career paths, as well as any advice they would like to give. This event truly could not have happened if we did not have our community volunteers, as well as retired teachers. கூடுதலாக, we would like to give a special thank you to Greensburg Middle School and Greensburg Economic Development Corporation for sharing all of their resources with us to pull this event off. This was a great experience for our students to truly experience what life can be like after graduation. We look forward to continuing our partnerships with the community as well as continually striving to make this event better each year. Once again, thank you to all 35 volunteers that we had to pull this event off! Our school corporation is truly blessed to have the community that we do for our staff and students!