తరచుగా అడిగే ప్రశ్నలు

Q: How quickly will the new plan be implemented?

ఎ: Bulldog Ready will be phased in gradually. For a general overview of the implementation timeline, visit our Timeline page.

Q: How will the new Learning Communities work at BHS? What if what my child is interested in doesn’t fall within either area?

ఎ: Starting in grade 10, BHS students will select one of two Learning Communities. While these areas will have a certain focus, students should not think that their career path must fall within that area; it is simply an exploration tool, a focus for their studies.

Q: How will the community be involved in tracking the implementation?

ఎ: There will be shared accountability between the school corporation and the Batesville community. Advisory boards will be formed, along with a CEO Champions group, to check in and report on the progress of the master plan.

Q: What are the community groups that will support our efforts?

ఎ: We will be forming a convening organization/council. The community convener position will be a neutral party between schools and the community of Batesville. The advisory council will be composed of members of organizations that fit the goals of Bulldog Ready.

Q: How can we eliminate the barrier of lack of resources for all students?

ఎ: The systems and structures formed through the master planning will ensure that ALL means ALL. Guaranteed experiences will truly be guaranteed. Mentorship and job shadows will be offered based on each student’s career interest. The Bulldog Ready Coordinator and Work-Based Learning Coordinator will meet with every student to ensure they have the best opportunity for these mentorship and job shadow opportunities.

Q: How can we ensure we are not missing the “middle students,” who are not underachieving nor overachieving?

ఎ: The goal of this redesign is to add relevance for ALL students. Communities and pathways have proven for many students to be welcome options that help them:

  • Build curiosity and critical thinking skills to help them enjoy their classes more
  • Gain work experience
  • Build confidence to take on academically challenging subject matter and learn how it is relevant to their career and educational goals
  • Learn how they can translate the knowledge and skills developed in a community/pathway program to excel in college and/or a career

Q: What about virtual reality visits?

ఎ: Virtual reality visits are a resource that we are currently exploring. BMS students have the capability to put on virtual reality headsets to participate in experiences that cannot take place otherwise in Indiana. We will continue to find more resources to align with our career exploration initiatives.

Q: Will there be a reflection/feedback opportunity for students and community partners after each experience?

ఎ: After every experience, we will survey our students and community partners to get their feedback and allow time for self-reflection. This is an important step in every experience we offer to our students.

Q: Why did you decide to embark on this transformational journey?

ఎ: Building a stronger network of community and industry partnerships can create schools where students not only continue to reach their academic potential but also strategically explore and experience connections between their learning today and their opportunities for enrollment, employment, or enlistment.

  • We believe we can do more to connect the opportunities in our community to the talents and strengths of our students.
  • We want to expand our emphasis from “college access” to each student’s “future success” and the various postsecondary pathways that can help them achieve that goal.
  • We want high school to be a place where each student is intentionally and individually supported to explore and even accelerate their plans for the future.

Q: Are we pulling out of the Southeastern Career Center?

ఎ: Southeastern Career Center will continue to expand the pathways that we can offer to our students in high school. With the addition of the Innovation Center, we will be able to start our students sooner in some of the pathways. SCC attendance is limited to junior and seniors due to losing a credit for traveling to and from campus. With the welding lab on the BHS campus, freshman and sophomores are able to take these courses and be exposed earlier to the courses that are related to their career choice. At SCC, there are 14 schools competing for the 40 spots in welding, so this high-demand program can be expanded by offering this pathway at BHS.