
贝茨维尔小学:  (Pre-K through grade 2) height=144 width=144

贝茨维尔小学: (Pre-K through grade 2)

At 贝茨维尔小学, students learn early literacy standards and math standards. We teach students the components of literacy through phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students learn to read in order to prepare them for Batesville Intermediate school. Reading and math instruction is differentiated for individual students based on academic levels within classrooms.

Batesville Primary School offers comprehensive curriculums include early literacy and math while incorporating basic introductions to science and social studies concepts. Within our grade levels, we offer special education, Title I education, dual language immersion education, high ability education, English language learner education and an allied arts experience including media/library education, art education, music education and physical education.

贝茨维尔中学 (成绩 3 通过 5) height=144 width=144

贝茨维尔中学 (成绩 3 通过 5)

At 贝茨维尔中学, 我们创造一个培育和丰富的环境,挑战学生以某种方式成长, each and every day. Educating the whole child is a priority, 因为我们的目标是为每个孩子提供独特的学习体验,不仅注重学业成功, 但自信, 责任, 和终身学习.

通过强大的英语和语言艺术课程, 我们努力打造流畅的, 独立读者. We prioritize critical thinking in math by utilizing multiple strategies to solve problems. 在国际清算银行, 学生通过参与 STEAM 相关活动和技术集成来关注科学过程.

贝茨维尔中学 (成绩 6 通过 8) height=144 width=144

贝茨维尔中学 (成绩 6 通过 8)

贝茨维尔中学 offers students an exemplary standards-based instruction focused on the four core areas: 语言艺术, 数学, 科学, 和社会研究. 学生有机会参与艺术, 音乐, 技术, 和健身,同时接触几个不同的选修课程. 确保每个孩子的需求都得到满足, 我们提供高级, 特殊教育, 和英语作为第二语言服务, 以及接触辅导员和学校资源官员.

在八年级, 学生将有机会获得代数和生物学的高中学分,并通过参加工业技术和家庭和消费科学课程学习过上富有成效的成人生活所需的生活技能.

贝茨维尔高中 (成绩 9 通过 12) height=144 width=144

贝茨维尔高中 (成绩 9 通过 12)

贝茨维尔高中 students are offered graduation tracks ranging from Associate degree completion, Indiana College Core attainment, 在 BHS 校园内和通过当地的合作项目进行技术技能发展, 以及通过东南印第安纳职业中心的课程获得认证的计划.

大一和大二学生注重核心课程的学分,以便进入所有毕业课程, 同时还可以接触技术项目的选修课程,例如农业和项目引领之路, 商业编程, 或美术. 鼓励所有大三和大四每学期至少选修一门校外课程,以增加学术机会并体验多样化的专业环境.

学生资源时间用于有针对性的学术援助, 课外活动, 和可转移技能发展.