If a specific deadline date is not listed, the BHS Guidance Office has not received this year’s scholarship information yet.
An abbreviated form of requirements is listed. Please read the detailed requirements when they are available.
Updated scholarships will be added to the BHS Guidance Scholarship website throughout the school year.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Jen Steinkamp at jsteinkamp@batesville.k12.in.us or (812) 932-4384
FAFSA Questions?
- Contact INvested at 317-715-9005 or Outreach@INvestEdIndiana.org
- Website: InvestEdIndiana.org
- Visit the Guidance Department’s Financial Aid page for more info.
Scholarship Search Sites:
We encourage students to look for scholarships outside of this website.
Most colleges and universities will have their own scholarship pages with freshman-specific scholarships.
Scholarship Help Sessions in the Guidance Office
No Appointment Necessary for Students Who have Questions About Scholarship Applications!